One of Australia’s most highly respected financial & housing market analysts.

Award-winning 7-time author, & host of the Australian Property Podcast.

In his professional career, Pete qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London, and was previously a Director at one of the ‘Big 4’ accounting firms.

Pete walks the talk when it comes to investing, and he gratefully parked his career in accountancy, having achieved financial independence at the age of 33, as detailed in his best-selling first book, Get a Financial Grip: a simple plan for financial freedom.

Pete is uniquely positioned to comment on housing markets as the co-founder of an active property buyer’s agency in Brisbane and New South Wales, combined with his unparalleled ability to deliver powerful, data-driven market analysis.

A 7-times published finance author, Pete runs a personal wealth coaching business, and is the co-host of the top business podcast the Australian Property Podcast with well over 50,000 audio downloads each month.

To enquire about Pete’s 1-to-1 coaching or property buying services please get in contact today.

An avid travel junkie & cricket tragic, Pete lives with is family in Noosa on Australia’s Sunshine Coast, but is also often found in Europe during the summer months.

To subscribe for Pete’s free daily blog with 3.7 million hits, go here.

Follow Pete on X where he is active daily and has more than 14,300 followers here.

You can also listen to Pete’s top 10 ranked podcast – the Pete Wargent Property Pod – here.

And you check out Pete’s earlier Low Rates High Returns podcast series here.

Media & Hedge Funds

Pete is regularly featured in the mainstream television and print media in Australia and internationally, and is sought by international hedge funds, institutional, and sophisticated investors consulting for his market reports & tactical insights.

Public Speaking

Pete is in demand as a public speaker and markets commentator, appearing at high-profile events including the flagship UBS European Conference in London.

Pete lives in Noosa in Australia with his wife and two children, as well as in Europe during the summer months.

He now writes a daily blog here with over 3.7 million hits to date. 


Including (but not limited to):

  • B.A. (Hons.) History (Industrial/Economic)
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW) with fellowship (FCA)
  • Diploma in Financial Services (Financial Planning)
  • Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance (Chartered Secretaries Australia)
  • University of Strathclyde – Introduction to Journalism
  • Licensed Real Estate Agent (Sydney, NSW)
  • Licensed Real Estate Agent (Brisbane, QLD)
  • Member of the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales (REINSW)
  • Qualified Property Investment Adviser (QPIA®)
  • Corporate Member of Property Investment Professionals Australia (PIPA).