Connecting the dots

Re-engineering your life We've all heard more than enough Buffett quotes about the price of swimming naked when others are greedy (or whatever) to fill our proverbial punch-cards 20 times over by now. Instead, for today, how about some more practical advice from the 'Sage of Quotemaha'? Here's Wazza, on… full article

When doing nothing is the best action

Your next move! I was intrigued by the game of chess for some years when I was at junior school, with its universal appeal & endless permutations - in fact, there are well over 319,000,000,000 possible positions after only four moves! One of the interesting things about chess is that… full article

How to detonate a time revolution

Quality time Lately I've been going to the gym twice per week with my mate Si, usually for about an hour. Si is a builder, and this week he turned up looking rather drained: 'Short session tonight, I've been digging a wretched trench all day' he grumbled (or words to… full article

Blowing away Schumpeter’s gale

Appetite for destruction When I trained as an accountant a handful of our clients still maintained their records in a handwritten ledger, whereas today you can scan a receipt into your phone and post an according book entry in real time. Some things don't change so easily - I'm still… full article

Gone to the dogs

Days at the races As a teenager I use to go up to Romford dog track on Friday nights for a bit of a drink and a punt. If you could be bothered to wander track-side there were on-course bookies, but as mug punters we normally stayed in the bar… full article

On thwarting the Peter Principle

Promotion to pain Thinking back to my professional career days in Sydney, I can recall it being something of a ritual for staff to repair to Ryan's Bar of a Friday afternoon to have a good old whinge about their respective bosses. What on earth were the odds, I'd muse… full article

Rise & shine with the 5am club

Early bird catches the worm Have you ever been stuck in a job or role that sees you resetting the alarm clock several times, and getting up as late as humanly possible, before shuffling morosely off to work? Me too...and it sucks, hey! Everyone seems to be very busy these… full article

Will what got you here get you there?

To the ivory tower Some friends I worked with in the early days of my professional career were the heart & soul of all social events, always at the centre of anything that was going on, and with a mercurial talent for the gathering and subsequent distribution of office gossip… full article

4 types of wealth (and how to balance them)

Hanging in the balance History is littered with the names of billionaires and wildly wealthy individuals that suffered from sadness, personal tragedy, illness, or depression. While it may be hard for most of us to emphathise with the super-wealthy, this alone is compelling evidence that success and happiness should be… full article

To boldly go to the efficient frontier…

Making the weight Earlier this year I enjoyed attending as many events as I could squeeze in at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, including a range of sports that I had no meaningful knowledge of. Watching the weightlifting I was intrigued to learn how strategy & psychology play a key… full article