When less is more (6 ways to KISS)

When less is more With the world having been through a tumultuous decade through the global financial crisis & beyond, I've sometimes wondered whether partial ignorance was bliss as many of the gruesome details of the subprime crisis subsequently came to light (the books always seem to follow afterwards). After… full article

3 things that are important in life (& thousands that aren’t)

Keeping perspective I heard some awfully sad news today, which got me thinking about what really is important in life, and what isn't. On reflection, the list of unimportant things is virtually endless. Trying to win a debate on Twitter with someone you've never met (OK, maybe occasionally I've done… full article

How to set goals & measure progress

Work in progress About a decade ago I began an annual exercise of setting goals in various areas of my life, & these days I review my progress in detail once a year at a dedicated week's retreat on the Gold Coast, before once again setting targets for the year ahead.… full article

3 mottos for a growth mindset

Let it grow! The pursuit of economic growth is widely considered to be important because it allows businesses to create jobs, profit, & prosper, and then in turn expanding tax revenues allow governments to invest in education, welfare, or transport, and living standards improve accordingly over time. At the personal… full article

Productive, not just busy!

Agonisingly unproductive I had a disrupted week, in part due to an excruciatingly painful cracked tooth requiring some remedial filling work. I'm not going to lie, the drilling was painful, both orally and to the hip pocket! Feeling that I'd achieved less than I wanted to over a period of… full article

3 tips to improve your muscle memory

Back into it Like many others I tentatively returned to the gym in recent weeks following the indulgence of the Christmas break. The beautiful Queensland mornings help, though the first trip back to exercise is always a hurdle. I've found that the trick is simply to begin, no matter how… full article

Don’t recharge your batteries

Flat batteries We recently relocated, and shortly after settling in realised that the TV & DVD remote controls had flat & non-existent batteries respectively. With a couple of grouchy toddlers struggling with the Queensland summer heat, this initially caused some consternation. Yet after a few days I came to realise… full article

The perils of falling in love (with an investment)

Wise men say... It's easy to fall in love with one of your investments, especially if it has performed well for you to date. Yet this may also be a trap. After all, if you bought an asset or security because it appeared to offer good value at the time… full article

Do what you do best; outsource the rest

At your own risk An entrepreneur is a decision-maker comfortable with taking risks, and prepared to invest in & embrace activities without sure outcomes. Most people don't think this way. It's often a challenging concept for academic high achievers, for example, to assume the risks & rewards of projects that… full article

Beginning with the end in mind

Direction, reaction...creation Without getting started little can be achieved. The great educator Stephen Covey further submitted that a habit of highly successful people is to begin with the end in mind. Taking action is great; but you need a strategy. And the actions you take need to be in the… full article